Star Wars Legion Army List Builder

An army list building application for the Star Wars Legion tabletop game by Fantasy Flight Games! Build your list by adding units, assigning them upgrades, and constructing your command card hand. The app follows standard list-building rules and restrictions as you build out your army list. Plus, you’ll have all cards – troopers, vehicles, upgrades, commands, and battle cards – available for reference in your pocket!


  • Create and manage Rebel or Imperial army lists
  • Assign upgrade cards to units
  • Manage command cards
  • Filter expansions, troopers, vehicles, upgrades, and commands by personal collection when building your army
  • Export army lists as text or JSON
  • All card details available for reference
  • All waves and expansion contents for reference
  • Latest FAQ errata automatically updated for all cards
  • List building rules are applied automatically
  • Includes all previewed cards up to wave 3!

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Now available in the app store!

This app is not endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd. or Fantasy Flight Games and is intended for entertainment only. The Official Star Wars site can be found at The Official Fantasy Flight Games site can be found at Star Wars, the Star Wars logo, all names and pictures of Star Wars characters, vehicles, and any other Star Wars related items are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd., or their respective trademark and copyright holders.

103 thoughts on “Star Wars Legion Army List Builder”

  1. Even after today’s update to an amazing app there is still an issue with Rebel Commandos Strike Team. When you have one sniper on a strike team and attempt to add another on a second strike team, it will not let you do it as no snipers appear to select, even if you have several commando expansions in your collection. Could you please fix this?

    1. Hi Joseph!
      I’m actually having trouble reproducing this issue with the latest update. You are basically trying to do this right?
      Two commands teams with snipers
      Can you double check your collection and the number of cards and models you have for your Strike Team?

    1. I’m having the same issue. iOS 12.1. I noticed there is a new iOS update that I’m downloading now. Hoping that will fix the issue.

  2. Hi! Awesome app, wanted to let you know, at least for me, I’m having trouble with app crashing on the At-St. in particular only when a hard point has been added too it. I believe this only just started happening with the 1.5 update. I’m on IOS 12.1. I do see a 12.1.2 available and I’ll try and provide an update once it’s downloaded / installed tomorrow.

      1. Thanks Weston for the info! I think I’ve found the problem. I’ll get an update out that should hit the app store in the next few days.

  3. Absolutely love the Legion Army Builder App. Just wanted to note an error. You have Chewbacca at a unit cost of 190. He should be 110. Keep up the great work!!

  4. I just downloaded the app for the first time and it looks great. I can build an army but I can’t add anything to my collection. When I open the app it tries to update and the it says “Download Failed”. Is this why I can’t add anything to my collection?

    1. Hi Casey, thanks for letting me know. It looks like it was just a small problem with the data from the server, which in turn was preventing you from adding to your collection. It should be fixed now, so let me know if you still have problems after it updates!

  5. Hy, Good works the Legion Builder.

    Can makes in the Next Update See the number of aktivation:
    Totale:799/800pts (8,9,11)Aktivations Export

    And more Option vor Save the Army List
    Im a Cloud Not only Save in Druck


  6. John T Edwards

    I love this app! This has been a huge help in learning the game. the death troopers heavy weapons are not available on the iPhone. Will that be updated soon?

  7. Hey, so this is a free app and it is awesome, thank you so much for making it for us! Just an FYI, there is an issue with the Phase 1 clones and the Deathtroopers where heavy weapons/armaments are not loading or capable of being added to the unit. Only discovered it on those two units.

    1. Hi Collin! Thanks for letting me know! I just had a new update get approved that should fix the Deathtroopers issues. But now I see that there are still issues with the Clone Troopers. I’m gonna get a new update in ASAP, expect it in the next few days!

  8. Thanks for this app!

    Noticed that I no longer could copy a unit when I switched to the “Show only cards in collection” option

    1. Hi Tim! When “Show only cards in collection” is on, it will only let copy the unit if you actually have enough unit cards AND models to add the additional unit. So if you only have the Clone Wars box and you have a list that already has two Phase 1 Clone Trooper units, it wont let you copy that unit to add a third one because you dont have enough to actually field them in a game. Check your collection and see if that is the case, and then let me know if you still have issues!

  9. Stephen Cooper

    May I make a suggestion for a new feature?
    Add an attack simulator for each weapon, similar to what is here:
    You tap on weapon and it has all the keywords applied and simulates how many wounds are dealt to red defense die and white defense die, with selectable levels of cover.

    1. This is a really cool idea and I am definitely adding it to my list of future features! Thanks for the suggestion!

  10. Another feature request: list the number of activations on both the top of the army list and on the overview screen which shows all army lists. Allow sorting that list by number of activations.

  11. Another feature request: folders/dividers/categories for organizing lists. Both manual folders and also automatic folders eg by commander, commander+operative or other.

    1. Hi Ralph! I’m actually having trouble reproducing this. Can you please give me an example of the list you are trying to add to? Also, can you confirm if you have the “Show only cards in collection when building list” setting turned on or off?

  12. Hi friends. Love the app. Just having a hard time adding detachment Tripp’s (like to rebel vets). I might just be missing it and so sorry to be a bother.

    1. Hi Matt! If you are trying to add a detachment like the Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper to Rebel Veterans, you have to make sure you have a corresponding Rebel Vets trooper in your list first, otherwise the app will follow the list building rules and wont give you the option to add the MK II trooper. Let me know if you still have issues adding it!

  13. Hey all! The app seems to be having problems updating. After getting to about 76%, it gives me the following error message:

    “Download Failed – Update failed with error. Please check your connection or try again later. Error: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.”

    Please review and let me know if there is anything that can be done.


    1. Hey Brian! I just did some database updates. Can you check again and see if you still get the error? And if so, can you check that you have the latest version of the app (1.12) in the Settings page?

      1. I have version 1.11. However, I just checked the App Store and version 1.11 seems to be the only one available at the moment. Is version 1.12 going to be available for use soon?

          1. Unfortunately yes. But the app is still allowing me to build armies. I’ll check for 1.12 later on.

  14. Please update to reflect the recent point adjustments which FFG made. Full list of adjusted points will be available on Friday Sep 6

  15. An error message shows the downloaded data could not be read because it isn’t in the correct format. Removing the app and reinstalling from AppStore does not fix it. I’m running 1.11.

    The App is awesome and indispensable really. FFG should officially support you!

    Will you be updating the new points costs announced Tuesday? Officially comes out tomorrow.


    Do you take donations or Patreon support?

    1. Hey Zack! Are you using the Army Builder app on an Apple device? I reached out to the developer and was told that the latest release of the app should be 1.12. The App Store only has 1.11. I’m hoping it will update correctly once the newest release is available.

  16. Hi all! I want to thank everyone who sent me info on the database update issue we were encountering last week. Everything should be fixed now.

    If you haven’t already seen, I’ve added the new points values. And there is also a new update on the way some new features and a bunch of bug fixes coming this week!

    1. Wooo! Sorry for the delay all! Ran into a bunch of problems with Apple due to the new iOS and Xcode release. But the new version (1.12) is now available!

      1. Just downloaded. Thanks! I see a couple of my feature requests got implemented. Very happy.
        Minor bug – the command card “group by” displays priority instead of commander.

  17. Having an issue with IOS 13 dark mode where the text is grayed out and barely legible on the submenu selection (squad, collection, etcj. Is there waY to change the text to white to offset it or just have it stay in a neutral default scheme regardless of iOS mode setting?

      1. Hey all! There are a whole bunch of iOS 13 fixes pushed to the App Store, so the updates should show up in the next day or two. I’ve temporarily disabled dark mode to make the app usable for now – until the NEXT update, which will have full support!

  18. Thanks for continuing to create a great app!
    Issue just found, when using Grevous, cannot add his command cards, thanks,

  19. Use Mac Catalyst to allow the iPad enabled app to run on a Mac. Then use iCloud sync to sync lists between iPhone, iPad and Mac.

  20. Recent bug- when I logged into the app this morning, all of the points updates for competitive play were wiped, and all units and upgrades are no longer properly costed to go alongside of the errata we had earlier in the year.

  21. Love the app but I did notice a discrepancy. The Twin Laser Gunner crew card for the BARC Speeder is listed in the app as 10pts when it’s 18Pts on the card

  22. Is there a weapon upgrade fix for death troopers planned? They don’t have the config card. Or am I missing something. Thanks for the hard work!

  23. When I have Luke as commander I can add the operative Luke command cards but when he’s an operative I can’t add the command cards. Am I doing something wrong?

  24. Will there be an update for newly announced products? And updates for cards, the OOM series is listed at 9 points when it’s actually 12!
    Thanks for all the hard work, I’d love to be able to support the app through a patreon of some kind, to keep it going!

  25. Alejandro Sparano

    Hello there
    Could you add a Skirmish build option?
    Also, Offensive Push is missing as Training Option for Rebel Veterans.

  26. Great app! I find I can’t pick a Covert Ops personnel as Operative so I can’t have two Commanders and the Covert Ops unit in the same built. Thanks again for the great app!

  27. My group loves the App … waiting on Padme and Cad Bane command cards (1 each missing) and new training/gear cards – situational awareness and Ascension cables. Thank you!

  28. Awesome app! I’ve noticed a couple things in the app: some of the command cards from vital assets are missing and Padme’s main pistol shows 2 black dice when it should be 3 black dice.

  29. Great app, thanks a lot. However, with „show only cards in collection when building lists“ turned on, I can‘t add Battle Cards. I own both Core Sets.

    1. Ah sorry – I forgot to mention that I have Skirmish Army lists. Is there a way to add Skirmish Battle Cards to the collection?

  30. This is by far my favorite app for build list. Thank you for all the hard work. Will there be an update soon for the new stuff?

  31. Do you plan on updating this app? It’s easily the best Legion List Building app out there, and I’d love to continue using it once the new units/cards are added. Thank you for your work!

  32. A lot of people have been asking me about this app and my Armada iOS app and they are STILL being supported.

    My home burned down back in June (along with my X-Wing, Armada, and Legion collections) and I’ve only just recently been able to get my life back together. I’ve been slowly working on updating the app for all the new stuff that’s come out in the next couple of weeks. And if anyone has any cool new feature ideas for iOS 14 widgets, etc, please let me know!

    1. I’m very sorry to hear that, and at the same time, I’m excited that you are planning to continue!

      For widgets, my thoughts go to the obvious: my current list, maybe a widget listing all keywords in a list for quick reference access.

      For the app, it would be fantastic to have localized view. I would love to be able to switch between German and English, and I would be happy to assist with providing the necessary translations

    2. Oh my. That’s Terrible- I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope everyone is safe and you’re doing well. I’ll help repaint your Legion minis – maybe we can crowd source some help!

    3. So sorry to hear about your house!! This app is a life saver. I’m very thankful for the work you’ve put into it.

      Couple of things that would be helpful to have:
      – Addition of STAP Riders
      – Addition of 2 man BX Droid Commando squads

      Thank you again for your work!

  33. just found the Legion app, I use the Armada app and love that one. Howver in the Legion App I Keep getting an error when it is trying to update the files. It stops at 82% then has an error message that it timed out.

  34. I’ve been using the App this year for Legion, but it hasn’t updated with the points changes from the RRG2.0 errata and doesn’t have the latest releases; Mandos or Inferno Squad. Are you planning an update?

  35. The app needs updated, it is missing many of the updates to the game from the last year. The collection list stops at wave 5, it tries to update and always fails at 80%.

  36. Thanks for bringing back the app!

    Two bugs when building lists: Vader OP does not show up as Operative, and if you take Luke OP, you can‘t select his command cards.

  37. Very happy to have the App back! Still missing what Farnir mentioned above. I’d be happy to support via Patreon or a donation button here also – We know it’s a lot of work to update everything and more is coming with Battleforces soon

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